While the move has brought Europe back from the brink, it is only a temporary measure to allow eurozone governments to come up with a solution to its crushing debt crisis. 尽管这一措施使欧洲暂时远离了危险,但这只不过是权宜之计,目的是让欧元区各国政府有时间制定解决方案,应对日益严重的债务危机。
Gold enjoyed its biggest one-day gain in a month as traders scrambled to cover short positions following a temporary deal to avoid a historic US debt default. 美国达成临时协议避免了历史性的债务违约之后,本来卖空黄金的交易商们争相补仓,使得金价出现一个月来最大的单日涨幅。
The European Central Bank said yesterday that there were tentative signs of economic stabilisation in the eurozone as successful Spanish and Italian government bond auctions also pointed to at least a temporary easing of the debt crisis. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨日表示,欧元区已出现经济企稳的初步迹象。同时西班牙和意大利国债拍卖成功,也说明欧债危机至少得到暂时缓解。
Households are hunkering down and many will regard an added transfer payment as a temporary windfall that is best used to pay down debt, not boost spending. 美国家庭不为这种做法所动,许多人将这种额外的转移支付视为临时性的意外收入&它们最好被用于还债,而非增加支出。
Mortgage: a temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt. 给予债权人的临时的、有条件的财产抵押,以此作为履行责任或偿还债务的保证。
The escrow account will be temporary, however, and Athens has agreed to change its constitution to make debt repayment the top priority in government spending. 不过,这个托管账户将是临时性的,而且希腊政府已同意通过修宪将债务偿付列为财政最优先支出的项目。
Such short-term, temporary spending does not add to medium-or long-term debt burdens. 这种短期的临时性支出,不会增加中长期债务负担。
First, the temporary possibility to issue new debt under joint and several liability would give breathing space to countries in trouble, leaving them time to adjust. Second, it would be an instrument to rebuild trust among the members of the euro area. 首先,在连带责任下发行临时新债券的可能性,将让陷入困境的国家获得喘息的空间,从而让它们有时间进行调整;其次,它将充当重建欧元区成员国彼此信任的工具。
Third, to ensure banks are willing to start lending to one another again with confidence, I offered a temporary government guarantee for new debt. 第三,为确保银行有信心并且愿意重新向同业放贷,我为新债务提供临时政府担保。
The low asset-liability ratio and high temporary current debt ratio is the third characteristic of the financing structure in our country. 中国上市公司的资产负债率较低,短期流动负债比率普遍较高,是我国上市公司融资结构现状的第三大特征。